Venue information


 The FE Rodeo will be held in McMurtry Auditorium (DH 1055) of Duncan Hall at Rice University. 

Campus maps of Rice University are available here

Duncan Hall front door

Duncan Hall

McMurtry Auditorium

McMurtry Auditorium


There are two visitor parking lots close to Duncan Hall: 

Parking rates for these two lots are $1/10 min., $12 daily maximum for each time you enter and exit (see also the Visitor Parking page).


We recommend booking early, as hotels can fill up quickly due to the Houston Rodeo. 

Some nearby hotels:

Information for Attendees with Children

The Finite Element Rodeo is centrally located near the Texas Medical Center, Rice University, Rice Village, Hermann Park, and downtown Houston. Across from the Bioscience Research Collaborative are numerous dining options and several Metrorail stops that can take parents to Discovery Green and other downtown Houston tourist sites.

Many employers offer childcare services for traveling employees so please be sure to check with your benefits department. There are also professional daycares (for example, Kido Schools) near the conference (rates vary). Parents with newborns and small infants are welcome at all conference activities, and there will be a designated quiet area and a private nursing station near the conference auditorium.